Reading Authors

I love reading and reviewing books. I have since I was a child. I can remember a few of the books I read then and they are still my favorites. This blog is all about the, giveaways, and so much more. Come join me as I turn the pages of the next book.

— feeling happy
My book! Published April 2016
My book! Published April 2016

In some towns, the past is easily forgotten. Not in Wellfleet Bluffs. Lynne and Jason buy their dream house online and quickly move to the quaint little town. After unexplained events send them looking for answers, will they become a forgotten part of history or will they find the answers and help the ghosts of the past find peace?


I saw this on Pinterest and just had to post it here too! I cannot imagine anyone not liking to read but I know there are some. You need to be able to read to almost function in the world. 



Happy Friday the 13th! Meet Good Luck Black Cats (Re-blogged)

Reblogged from BookLikes:

It's Friday the 13th! Again! It's perfect time to remind you good luck black cats :)


Whether you believe in Friday 13th bad luck or not, we wish you all the best and all the luck. Btw, we think the superstition about the bad luck black cats was made up by the white cats' gang. Just look at those pics!


Stamp your feet via Lenore on BookLikes 


Reading lesson via Lenore on BookLikes 


The Sleepyhead via Tina Sandevska on BookLikes


Smart one via


Just sitting via 



and sitting via


and still sitting via


Come, sit by via


Mark Twain’s vintage cat Bambino via


Lucky 13 via


Comma cat via Tina Sandevska on BookLikes 



And if you wish to read some cat books have a look at the collection of several reads featuring cats found by Kagama -The Literaturevixen.




Happy Friday the 13th and good luck! ;-)


P.S. Watch out! Zombie kittens are waiting. 

furry zombies via Musings of NerdyNatasha on BookLikes 



Originally posted on BookLikes Blog: December 13, 2013, updated June 13, 2014. 

#Review and #Giveaway: Gimme-Jimmy by Sherril S. Cannon

Gimme-Jimmy - Sherrill S. Cannon

Check out my latest review and while your there enter in the few giveaways I have.

Oh, the Places You'll Go! - Dr. Seuss
"“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” —Dr. Seuss "

#Review and #Giveaway: The Commons: Book1: The Journeyman

The Commons: Book 1: The Journeyman (Volume 1) - Michael Alan Peck

Come by and read my review of this incredible book. While you are there, enter to win a Kindle copy of the book!


Kid Lit Blog Hop #55 #KLBH

Come join me and the other hostesses for the Kid Lit Blog Hop.

If you want to find authors or books that have to do with kid literature, this is the place for you. While you are hopping around, link up your kid lit stuff too!


"“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! -- When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.” —Jane Austen "
"“Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.” —John Green "

#Review: Toad Weather

Toad Weather - Sandra Markle, Thomas Gonzalez

Check out this cute book I reviewed today. It is based on a real event.

Flunked Fairy Tale Reform School

Flunked  - Jen Calonita

Come check out my review of this book.


Review of: Gooseberry Island by Steven Manchester

Gooseberry Island - Steven Manchester

Check out my review of this excellent novel by Steven Manchester. I have read all of his books and they are so good!


Top Ten Tuesday: Ten book (or reading) related problems.

This is a re-blog but I can totally relate to her! Check out that bookcase! ~Naila Moon


Via The Broke and the Bookish



Ten Book (or Reading) Related Problems I Have


1. Sometimes I bite my nails when I read.


2. I underline a lot and write all over my pages.


A mess



3. I buy used books faster than I can read them.


4. It irks me when my 18-year old leaves his phone, watch, wallet,

and eye glasses on my bookcase.  They are not part of my books.


5. I love my bookcase that my husband built for me, but it is just a bookcase,

and I must not treat it like it is another family member.


Just a bookcase


6. Some people have pets.  I have books.


7. I get excited about going to the library.


8. I would rather read than exercise.  


9.  I bring books with me everywhere,

including family gatherings and birthday parties.


10. Most of the time, I'd rather be reading.

Kid Lit Blog Hop-Episode #54
Kid Lit Blog Hop-Episode #54

Come join me and the other hostesses for the Kid Lit Blog Hop.

Link up anything related to kid's literature and hop around for some great authors and books.

~Naila Moon



Join me for the bi-monthly Kid Lit Blog Hop. This hop shows off all things Kid Lit from book, to reviews, to giveaways.


Come by and say hello and link up!


Kid Lit Blog Hop

It is almost time for #WintersRespite. Are you in?
