Top Ten Tuesday: Ten book (or reading) related problems.
This is a re-blog but I can totally relate to her! Check out that bookcase! ~Naila Moon
Ten Book (or Reading) Related Problems I Have
1. Sometimes I bite my nails when I read.
2. I underline a lot and write all over my pages.
A mess |
3. I buy used books faster than I can read them.
4. It irks me when my 18-year old leaves his phone, watch, wallet,
and eye glasses on my bookcase. They are not part of my books.
5. I love my bookcase that my husband built for me, but it is just a bookcase,
and I must not treat it like it is another family member.
Just a bookcase |
6. Some people have pets. I have books.
7. I get excited about going to the library.
8. I would rather read than exercise.
9. I bring books with me everywhere,
including family gatherings and birthday parties.
10. Most of the time, I'd rather be reading.